Something to speculate about while we wait for the next chapter of Haley's career...
Several commenters on Haley's Instagram page have been promoting the idea of Haley as a future Jenna (the lead) in Waitress. I really think this could work.
Waitress is currently running on Broadway and is approaching the tail end of the first year of a National touring company - the one that opened in L.A. I believe they are also planning an Australian company. The role of Jenna on Broadway has been rotated through several "name" artists, including Sara Bareilles herself, for relatively short term engagements. Katharine McPhee is performing the lead through August 19. Her replacement for the next couple of months has already been announced.
On the other hand, the touring company has one lead, Desi Oakley, since its tour was launched, I believe last October. Desi's contract is up at the end of the LA run, and she will be replaced by an artist still to be named. It could be one of the current cast - 1 swing and 2 understudies, someone from the Broadway cast, or perhaps someone external. Road contracts are usually six months or a year.
I believe a road tour for Haley would be unrealistic because of her other commitments/interests/goals. A short term Broadway contract would be a lot easier to schedule. I think the current show strategy is to keep changing leads because successful shows rely a lot on return business from loyal fans, who like to compare performers/performances. Just check youtube for comparison videos on long running shows such as Phantom, Wicked, etc. Wicked fans can have endless discussions on the merits of various performers "Fiero riffs", for example. Waitress fans are starting to compare Jennas, especially relative to their singing of "She Used to Be Mine." I would love to hear Haley sing this, and have no doubt that she could outsing K. McPhee on this one.
Interesting fact: Apple has signed a S.B. & Jessie Nelson (wrote the book for Waitress and was also at the premiere in LA, along with S.B.) series, called Little Voice, about a young singer songwriter (or songwriters?) in New York. No casting information yet. (Probably good that Haley has trimmed her nails if she might be interested in consideration for roles in shows such as this). In my imagination I can see her fitting in with a cast of young aspiring singer songwriters trying to make it in New York. They could possibly rotate a cast member or members into the Broadway Waitress company as a way of promoting the series. Of course, I have no idea of the actual structure of the show.
I think S.B. would think very positively toward Haley, considering Sara's connection to Desi Oakley. Desi is also a singer songwriter/pianist, who like so many other talented artists, was trying to make it in New York. Her resume included a principal role as Eva Peron (alternate) in the Evita national touring company, but after that took ensemble/swing/understudy roles on Broadway in Wicked, Les Mis, etc. She released an EP of original songs and performed occasionally at NY clubs. The typical ups and downs of so many talented performers trying to make it in New York. Sara recognized her talent, her work ethic, and I believe was a big influence in casting her for the lead in the National touring company. Desi has gotten rave reviews for her work as Jenna, and I wouldn't be surprised if she at some time soon gets the Broadway lead, in this or perhaps another production. Also, perhaps a role in Little Voice? Desi just completed an 8 part vlog "Pie a la Road" on It was well received and greatly increased her visibility in the theatre community.
Anyway, similar to Desi's situation, I think Sara could relate to all the hard work Haley has been doing over the past few years. And, of course her talent.
Another project - Diane Paulus, who directed Waitress (but I believe was not at the LA premiere) is directing a live NBC performance of Hair to be aired next May.
Bottom line, it was good that Haley was at the Waitress premiere, and that "formal introduction" to Sara, and associates, might be a very good idea.
Yes, I think Haley would make a great Jenna.
By the way, we now live in the Las Vegas area and will be seeing Waitress in October with the new Jenna. Sad, because we'd been looking forward to seeing Desi. We saw her as Eva Peron in Evita and thought she was great. However, if it were to be Haley (really, timing much too soon) we would go out of our minds. Also, to Tusk, the first stop for Waitress after LA is Seattle, with the new Jenna and probably some other casting changes. So if you care to check it out you can give us your opinion on whether or not you think that Haley would fit the role.