EDIT .. looks like everyone is in agreement. I wouldn't have any guilt recording it for myself to listen to more than once after I paid for it... btw... we all have our own line on this "digital property" thing
(09-19-2012, 04:47 PM)alpha7388 Wrote: I have been thinking about this and I think that POSTING this stageit concert would be wrong. This is not a public promotional event, it is how she makes money. And if they all get posted who would buy a ticket. I want her to make the money on her commercial ventures. Just my view of it, let the flames roll.
I think that's kind of obvious too.
The whole reason they limit sales it to make it "rare"... and motivate purchases.
I understand dissapointment of those that don't have the connection to watch it but, thats not too different from living in the wrong city to see a live show.
I would like to be able to pay for the thing after the fact, but their gimic for sales is to make it a hot ticket to make it a "now or never" purchase. The truth is , if people have all the time in the world to do something, they often put it off and never do it.
It not like its going to be the end of the world if some fans don't hear it. Music is tough business and she's gotta fish when the salmon are running these next couple years.