(10-23-2012, 07:23 PM)midnightblues Wrote: That's right she is, just hope that the people that are promoting her also have her best interest in mind. And not just doing this for their own financial gain. This happens so much in the entertainment industry.
From my experience following things as an investor, the worse exploits are when things look like a "milk this when it's hot"... or even buy -out guys buying a clothing line and explointing a previously elite name by pumping out cheaper goods under the brand and putting them in JC Penny etc. They can make a lot of money in a short time but kill the cache' to the brand that had a slow steady profit potential.
I don't see much evidence of them trying to make a quick buck but do see the people around her trying to get her more and more connected to the highest quality people in the business. They also let her make her sound exactly her way.
Now...not saying there has been anything wildly succesful finacially...but it looks like those around her are looking at it as a longer term project and dolign out their efforts in a way that is looking like a longer term support rather than a "smash and grab" spurt.
Of course, we know that its a rough business and a cat eat dog business and its not a matter of charity I don't think.. they're looking out to scrap a buck for themselves...even if they also enjoy the cusp plus of working with a pleasant person along the way, that isn't their priority... more a suprise for them I'm sure.
(10-24-2012, 07:32 PM)Miguel Wrote: She didn't sing "Free" on StageIt night. Or "Undone."
Setlist: Wasted Tears, Hit The Ground Runnin', Keep Coming Back, Oh My!, Wonderland, Santeria, Let’s Run Away, At Last, Bennie and the Jets, Can’t Find My Way Home, Oh Darling.
I thought of that.... while I'm glad she didn't sing "Free" (I enjoy her other songs and covers so much more, not sure why) it was sort of interesting that she didn't sing "undone"
I'm thinking she looked at the Stagit thing as truly an intimate show for some hard-core fans who would really appreciate things they didn't hear her perform (via the interenet) often.
SOOOO happy to hear her sing Santeria , and At last, and Wonderland and Lets Run Away .... she only had so much time and if something got pushed out glad it wasn't one of those. I could have taken Undone over Oh Darling (oh darling was great, and I think SHE wants to keep seeing where she can go with that ... and she is still going). I also think she likes to sing Wasted tears and thinks she can find even more with that one too.
We all know what an artist she is and might find more to play with with the songs she sung... something she personally loves and knows that us harder core fans that would look for a way to pay for an internet show would also eat up.