I really don't go to MJs on a regular basis, hadn't been there for months. So I ventured over there after her Real Music Live performance...surprise, surprise, it ends up to be the same old, same old comment section. I got tired of hearing from all these wannabe critics that supposedly had a much clearer perspective on music than the rest of us.
We have seen this attitude before...someone who has a blog that used to be on this forum. I like Haley but (I always picture Randy Jackson when I hear that)...she needs to do this or that. Then we often get the fake intellectual disclaimer, "well, I'm not just some mindless fan". They're too sophisticated to really be a fan of anyone...Buzz mimicking the Haley vomit scene while listening to Randy's critique
As Steven Tyler said..."don't listen to them, they're wrong...we heard it, the audience heard it, America heard it." Does it really matter what others say? I like Haley...go sell your crap somewhere else.