I've been dreaming up some other potential event scenerios for our
* Midnight Band playing in Wheeling Park District's Chevy Chase Country Club Ballroom (seats hundreds) with possible guest vocalist Haley Reinhart...
(Hey Buzz...how's that for an early Captain Dicken's yell from 2011?)
* ...with an afternoon Golf Outing there by any Halien Golfers.
* Mother's Day Brunch at the same venue:
* Lakefront Lunch or Dinner Cruise aboard the Odyssey starting from Navy Pier (my BIL is part owner):
* Playtime in Millenium Park & Grant Park - Where Haley performed in both Lollapalooza and the Girl Scout's Gig.
* White Sox vs. Angels games either Friday (Fireworks) Saturday (Paul Konerko Bobblehead) or Sunday night (Mother's Tote bag) Hopefully with Haley singing at least the National Anthem. With a group of 20 or more we get "HALEY REINHART'S HALIENS" displayed on the Jumbotron, a discount on ticket prices, a special section & a gift.
* Meat & Greet in Himm's backyard stadium ("Meat" meaning Burgers & Hot Dogs) while watching Haley reruns in the Jumbotron, likely with the Reinharts in attendance.
* If a miracle could happen - A full Live Performance by Haley Reinhart & Band at either "Viper Alley" (Lincolshire) or the "HOME" Bar (Arlington Heights).
* Racetrack horse-betting Party at Arlington Racetrack where Haley's Hometown Celebration Climaxed two years previously.
* Midnight Band or Trio playing at PS PUB in Wheeling with possible guest vocalist Haley Reinhart