I voted at that site
Interesting site .. I've been trying to develop a couple like it but don't have them really working right yet.
I'm not really promoting them yet .. they're in early "alpha"
I hope to make this one more share-able than the one linked.
The votes aren't really "counting" yet so don't really bother to register to vote yet. I'm going to make the log-in facebook and twitter based so people don't need to "join".
(again, I'm not promoting this yet and votes might get wiped out)
This one.. is one I sort of gave up on.. too much data entry and copyrite concerns and I think it's time has come and gone. (it really sucks that Idol doesn't have videos of all the performances I can at least link too externally.. I understand why they might not want them imbedded)
You can mark favorite performances and idols there. Even though the ranking doesn't work the more times someone marks a favorite performance or singer the more they rank on the "most Favorited" lists.
Again . you can see I haven't had any visitors and I'm not trying to promote it as it isn't 100% working