Spoiler alert: If you don't want to know the outcome of ice dancing STOP NOW.
So 38 years after the sport/art of ice dancing was included at the Olympics, Charlie White and Meryl Davis became the first U.S. team to take Olympic Gold!

They had
only been skating together a mere 17 years, beginning when they were both children. Yeah for them and their parents' years of support (financial, physical, and emotional).
I love figure skating and over the years have become very good a recognizing the best performances and why, even if I still can't tell a salchow from a loop from an axel (much less a toe loop, flip, and lutz).
Though I love both ice skating and dancing, the judging involved with ice dancing eludes me. Unfortunately, I have yet to see vids of either the White/Davis or Virtue/Moir performances, but from what I've read and in watching prior performances, I'm glad I didn't have to make decisions. Both couples are exceptionally good!
If you're interested, here's an interesting analysis of the two pairs: