A bit more on "The Dress"
Now, I'm not trying to really open up a debate on this (Mostly nursing my insecurities hahah)
BUT, I sort of answered my questions of "why" if I enjoy colors so much and can usually pick out tints and paint chips pretty well that I fell into calling the dress a different color than
"the right answer"
The right answer depends on the question of course.
Again, if the question is "what color is the dress " and mean "what color is the dress in the store" we've settled that it's black and blue (there is no doubt that's the dress)
I'll admit that even if I were asked that question (what is it in the store) I would have been wrong.
But if the question is asked "is what you see gold and white or black and blue" that isn't really a fair amount of choices as the colors on the screen are neither combination.
-Blue yep, its a shade of blue as lon as people mean that if the blueish purplish grey pixes are "blue" as a matter of semantics of whether or not light blue or greyish blue qualifies for "blue" ... I' agree it is certainly a shade of blue.
- some will also call a collection of of light and medium browns "gold" for lack of a better word, maybe it's a darker gold as opposed to a yellow gold but, again its word choice.
![[Image: fort_knox_crayon.jpg]](https://consumermediallc.files.wordpress.com/2012/06/fort_knox_crayon.jpg)
Some would think of that crayon as gold and some not.
Here is the photo with the actual pixels picked out of a color pallette
I am mad at myself for not Answering the question "gold and white or black and blue" with a "NEITHER" .. that is what I should have answered (given my personal goald)
because as I pointed out, I like to see the world in the spendor of shades IN the light.. with all the reflections and fragmentations etc...
Some might call that "glare" and distortion too haha.. and I couldn't argue with that perogative.
>>> so, I'm feeling less bad about my perception (according to personal goals) but mad at falling into trying to peg a round peg in a square hole verbally. (and yes, perhaps the black and blue people put a round peg in a round hole)
What color are these patent leather shoes ?
Are they black ? or are they a combination of black and grey and silver and very light grey (almost white in at some points) ?
I'm ok with people saying black or "shiny black" but of course if you were going to look at it as a painter and choose colors you'd reach for a number of colors beside pure black if you weren't going to mix the paint yourself and black and white (and even a tad of blue) if you were going to mix the shades.
OK, still I think people would answer black mostly as that's how they'd understand the "what color are they question"
If however we're talking about Water, I think people would answer the question much more about what many colors they percieved on the screen, not something like "blue"
>>> The picture below is how I like to see the world.
It's from a backpacking trip I took in the Sierras... when I go up there I just soak in the splendor of colors in nature.
I think people would be inclined to answer the question listing many colors when asked "what color is the water"
The water here is silver and gold and light blue and navy and purple and many shades in between. and some aquas. Even some black and some green from the reflections of the trees.
So, long and short.. I'm not confused by my "lack of perception" anymore and am still proud of it, but I was tricked by the question in my own mind.
However none of that changes that those answering the "what color is it in the store" question were right saying blue and black and I was wrong saying gold and white and Still wouldn't get it right ! I don't have whatever conrial cones or whatever to turn it to a medium blue sort of blue or a black, not brown no matter how I look at it.... so my perception can't give me the right answer to "what is in the store"