I love this performance
I know that the focus recently as been on Alien Goddess Haley, but I'm delighted with this jazzy interlude that came out of nowhere. I had wanted to see this performance but had assumed that there was no video. So, to me this is a real treat.
I thought the song was well suited to her in the recordings from the Chicago Theater, where she sang it beautifully. My first impression listening to this video was that it was a noisy, busy venue (unlike Chicago which was quiet) and I didn't expect much. Then Haley's wonderful voice projects strong and clear over the din of the crowd. She immediately had my attention. In Chicago she seemed to start a little softer and higher, which I don't think would have worked as well in the festival setting.
At about 2:37 when Irvin is looking at her and bopping his head, he is rightfully showing his regard for her singing, but also cuing the hometown crowd that this is good stuff she's delivering (and they respond). But Haley delivers other touches such as a little scatting (not sure that is the right word) at 1:48, which Irvin reacts to with a head draw and smile. That looks like one of those genuine WTF moments of delight that many of us are familiar with.
Of course, Haley also looks fantastic. Not only is she gorgeous but she looks like she belongs right there, at that moment. Jazzy Haley came out in style that day (with one of her multiple musical personalities). While I have only seen the small amount of video of Haley with the NOJO in NY and Chicago, in those venues she seemed humbled and a maybe little restrained at times. Less so at Chicago, but still the setting seems rather staid and formal, although I could be wrong about that. At the jazz festival she appears less tame. But it is not just the setting, she is gaining experience singing with the NOJO. Knowing a little about Haley and learning curves, I would guess that from here on out performances with Irvin are going to be killer.