(11-11-2015, 12:15 AM)Babbs234 Wrote: Todd is a great pianist too but I do miss Scott on piano. He is a big part of the show to me.
There is no doubt that Todd is pretty amazing on piano, but I was not surprised when Scott said that he doesn't go off sheet music, it's 'instinct.... I suspected, but listeing to, especially "Creep" you do notice that he doesn't play the same way... sort of like Haley, she sings the same songs, but usually brings something different to each performance.
Musical instincts, and they are so natural w/ it
I guess it's almost like following a sports team. When a newbie comes along, you have no connection w/ them at first, but give them a chance to feel their way, grow, you might just end up enjoying them too.
Still, just like it's not the same w/o Haley, it also wouldn't be the same w/o Scott
During the tour, it looks like Todd got the vast majority of the stage time, w/ Scott coming in for the medley. Apparently, Scott wasn't in Boston. With the addition of some new vocalists on tour, it appears PMJ is on the cusp of transition...perhaps splitting in two, like we've been theorizing.
Just figured out where Scott is, Aubrey earlier Periscoped from Chicago, then there's Jacob's Insta from Chicago's famous "Bean"...
Then Scott Periscoped from Chicago also... Aubrey, in her Periscope, said she was there for a private party....