I wanted to give my website it's own thread, so I can post certain milestones and stats that I think are worth noting every now and then.
I added a "tour" tab a few weeks ago, with the thought in my head I might be able to post tour dates soon enough. As soon as I see the dates/cities for the U.S. tour, they'll be posted ASAP for everyone to see!
Today, it's only 12:30pm and my website has 364 views already. The most I've ever gotten in one day is 372. Looks like that record will be breaking today, thanks to all the "Creep" promo, and her being a trending topic on Facebook all last night and today so far!
A big help, I changed Haley's website on her wikipedia page to mine. It was just haleyreinhart.com which obviously takes you to nowhere. I figured changing it to mine for now will do some good for the time being. My site has 21 clicks through wikipedia today alone.
Yesterday was the 1 year anniversary of creating
Since I created it, it has 22,589 website hits.
Here are some 2015 stats:
(I can't even fit everything, but here's some)
Some of the search terms that lead people to the site:
Specific post views:
Views per month since the start of the website:
I truly do enjoy doing this for Haley, and knowing people actually read it, use it, share it, and get useful information because of it, it makes it all worth it. And I could't do it without haleyfans.com and all of you who also do the same to try and inform everyone on Haley's latest news.
THANK YOU TO EVERYONE! I love you all! 2015 is already a huge year!