(06-25-2016, 03:14 AM)Himm2 Wrote: ^^ I'm pretty sure that phtographer was who many Haliens at Lincoln Hall complained about how distracting he was. Yes he got some great shots but he was in Haley's face and all over the stage the whole night. Same guy was at Durty Nellies.
That's another guy, he was also at Durty Nellies, he also did the Behind the scenes for the Better video. I think he also did the personalized SMYM videos.
We talked while the opening act was performing, Haley's worked with him alot
The guy on stage was taking mostly video, this photographer, Bruce, is an Asian photographer who also appears to photograph Wedding Banned alot. I think Penny told me she asked him to come to the show when he was at Durty Nellies?
Either way, Bruce isn't the one that was on stage, you can see in the videos, he stays off to the side, he also took photos from the audience
This is Bruce
and yes, it was odd that videographer had to be so close to Haley. I mean from a video editing perspective, having your camera that close to her face, you have no room to edit anything, it's just a reallly close up video of her face. I have to imagine he could get as close to her face as he wants using lenses. Also, I sometimes wondered, what if he tripped while out on stage like that?
Be that as it may, Haley's used him several times, he was there on stage both times she performed in Chicago, so what do I know?