every one has their preference, that's why it's nice when Haley has a variety of designs to choose from like she did for WTS. The only caveat is they'd be limited issue, as we found out with the grey wts Tshirt, it seemed to be the one they printed fewest of. I think she had what? 3 WTS? Related T shirts? The Black and Yellow one, the mug shot one, which came later in the tour, and the grey WTS one.
I actually like the darker tones and hues she chose for the LFS album cover. In my opinion, it very much jives with the essence of that 'groovy' era. She went bright and flashy with Listen Up! she also went bright with WTS... I mean Let's Start is completely bright and happy.
Free is still one of her all time best videos IMO.... Listen Up! was reaaaaallly under rated for a debut album. The Free video was just the cherry on top....such a shame she was prevented from following the album and video up with a tour
Heck, Listen Up never even got it's own official T shirt.... there will be a day music historians will look back and give it the recognition as one of the all time debut albums...