Below is the last tweet made on Thia's Twitter account (on Dec. 12):
Prior to this she hadn't tweeted since Nov. 30.
The "empower network" is a "simple, 3-step viral blogging system (that) instantly deposits money into your bank account, start today..."
Is she so naive that she would willingly promote a get-rich-quick scheme? So shameless that she would cash in on her "fame" that way? Or did her brother or someone else get hold of her account? Like all the Idols, she has young followers so I find this unacceptable.
This Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) network/Ponzi scheme supposedly launched October 31. It's been picked up by so many people hoping to get rich that a search for "empower network" returns 1,270,000 results.
One of them explained how you make money:
Quote:Pay close attention to the diagram above and you will understand the compensation plan in no time!
Note that when Lisa (your first sale) comes onboard, you get 100% of the $25 sale. So far so good!
Now, there are a total of two upsells possible in the Empower Network right now:
The $100/Month Inner Circle
The $500 one time Costa Rica Intensive Training
And you get 100% of each of these amounts, as long as you also purchased that option. Only fair right?
Now when Lisa makes her first sale, she also gets 100% commissions on her first sale, but the 100% commissions on her second sale roll up to you, as do her fourth and sixth sales! And from that point forward, every fifth sale Lisa makes rolls up to you as well...