^ Sweet Cherelann, I agree with all your comments above.
^^^Babbs and Haleylvr4evr, thanks for (respectively) your observations and videos.
I find it interesting that Casey performed "I Got Signed" but am pleased that he did. He should re-work some of the lyrics so that they won't seem dated, but, at least the way he performed it here, it shows that it has some legs beyond the introduction to this thread. That he could weave in a bit of "beat box"?? stuff and then, "I Want You Back" (was that a "wink/nod" at Haley for the kerfuffle at the "W" earlier that week?) shows just how good this guy is! It's such a good tune that I hope that he will re-work some of the lyrics, so that they won't seem silly as time goes on. It's a good/catchy tune.
When Casey appeared late last fall (?) for a charity that has a connection with his chronic health issue, SatchVai described Casey's bass playing as "kickass!" I can't disagree. I find it astonishing that someone as young as Casey is as proficient as he is on that (well any) instrument. And, then, he's fairly good a number of other instruments. Well, ok, can we all agree that Casey is a musical genius! And he found some really good backup musicians!
But I'm intrigued by his playing style, and Midnight, I'm hoping that you might be able to explain some of it, although I know you play guitar, not bass.
Casey is a supremely confident player, so I don't doubt what he's doing, I just don't understand it. Because I'm not a string player, what I don't get is some of the stuff that he does with his right hand. It's particularly noticeable on "Blame It On Me" where there are many times when, with his right hand, he either does a long stroke down the strings or merely seems to slap them.
MNB, can you explain what those techniques produce?
Haleylvr4vr, you seem to have a fan in SandritaDreams, so you go, girl!