Casey has put out his opinion on Govt shutdown, relating it to his own medical challenges.....and apparently has felt some push back as well as new support.
(and why Miguel has his no politics rule)
I'm not going to post his opinion for that reason, you can go to his
FB page
I thought it was interesting to note that this might be a shift in how he's perceived....
Quote:Casey Abrams
3 hours ago.
Thanks to everyone who unfollowed and unliked me. Better to get that out of the way. They weren't really about the music.
Many anti posts are like this....
Quote: Stick to music Casey!!!
Really?!? Musicians shouldn't get into politics on FB! You are entitled to your opinion, true that! But if you are trying to make it, it's best to zip your lips!
Wonder if she likes Dylan, the Beatles or U2 ?
On the other hand, he's picked up followers who didn't really know who he was...
Quote: I've never heard of you before, but I came to LIKE your page because I liked and endorsed what you said. Hope in a small way it makes up for the shortsighted ones you say UNLIKED you!
His putting out this opinion comes remarkably close to Haley's response to my tweet of the lyrics to Imagine...
Quote:Haley Reinhart @HaleyReinhart 2 Oct
@HaleysTusk Lately, when I hear Imagine.. I can't help feeling overwhelmed by emotion. Makes me want to help change Change CHANGE THINGS!
I wonder if there was a lot of discussions in that direction at the fireside powwow the other night....
Actually kind of cool this community of young singer/songwriter/musicians mingling and 'communing'...reminds me of the 'glory days' of the 70's Music scene in California... Crosby, Stills, Nash, Young, Ronstadt, J Taylor, Henley, Fry, Jackson Brown, Carly Simon etc....