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When I mentioned I've been experiencing computer issues (did "a LoVinda" in reverse -- on the same day -- bumped a glass [with water in it] that was next to my laptop. Sure enough, there was enough water in the glass that it fried the thing -- then later in the day succeeded in breaking a crown [one of my "new" ones] -- an expensive week.)
I replaced the computer last week, but, because I was uncertain about the virus protection I've not been logging onto the internet at home. One of the IT guys for my office had worked at Best Buy (I suspect he's a former Geek Squad guy) convinced me that the security system was fine, so I finally started logging in.
However, what I've found is that most of the YouTube postings here don't show up for me. Generally there is just a blank space. I lucked out with the you posted, because, for some reason, in Babbs' response it would show up.
I'm guessing it might be a settings thing? Do you, Miguel, John, or anyone have some ideas?