(02-23-2013, 08:50 PM)Himm2 Wrote: Cool John...I'm a space geek too. I can name most of the astronauts, rockets, programs, etc. I've witnessed 2 space shuttle launches live, 2 others I was there at the cape but the launch got scrubbed. Been to the Kennedy Space Center at least a dozen times and Huntsville & Houston Space centers.
Never saw a launch but would love to have done so. As a kid in the 60s I followed the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollos missions closely. Looking back it was truly an amazing accomplishment to send people to the moon in such a short time period. And aside from the Grissom, White, Chaffee tragedy they did so with an admirable safety record.
The state of the American manned space program is rather sad, now that we have to hitch rides from the Russians. Part of the problem has been the absence of a goal or mission that captures people's imaginations. Of course, the unmanned missions have been incredible.