(07-29-2011, 04:40 PM)midnightblue Wrote: Thats why i had a hard time trying voiceing this.I had a feeling in me that Haley could be a replacement for Amy, but i didnt know if it was to soon to speek of it, and if there was any of Amys fans who would read this,I didnt want to offend them..But i did read in one of Haleys interviews that she felt this was the right time for her music...............But amy is amy and there couldnt be another singer who could duplicate her voice competely but Haley could come close
It all depends on the material that Haley is given for her first album. If Interscope realizes that there's a vacuum caused by Amy Winehouse's death, and gets some great songwriters/composers working on great material for the wonderful artist that Haley is, then maybe Haley can attract the kind of music fans who appreciated Amy Winehouse.
If they have other ideas and give Haley some second rate material that doesn't represent Haley's Soul, then Haley will in no way attract Amy Winehouse fans.
I hope they make her first album a first class effort.