Where was I...missed the bus on this one...
The Magical, Mystery Haley Tour with Miguel at the wheel is starting to fill up. Welcome JT9789, taperjean_girl, Rachbobach09...there is no assigned seating on the bus, sit wherever you like.
It appears from the little snippets we saw of the Undone practice session that this was going to be a bigger event than the normal free shows we have seen...full band too.
It is ironic that Haley, who really does not claim to be a ballad singer, may be headed toward 'Undone' being a signature song on her first album. My wife commented months ago about Undone, she stated that "everyone can relate to those lyrics and the emotion behind it"...(now you see why she is the better half).
Haley is always smiling, happy-go-lucky, Miss positive...yet, she has the voice that can capture pain and heartache so brilliantly. Undone hits a huge chord in this world...for all the "Happy Helmet" people we meet each day there are so many more people that have suffered some sort of heartache, some sort of pain that lies just below the surface.
Haley's performance of IWHN on Idol is another example of the drama she can display with her powerful voice. In fact, the live version vs the studio version of IWHN are very different. The live version has more desperation in the runs she made in between lyrics, probably because of the Randy Jackass drama. The studio version has much more controlled runs and less desperation. However, both are great. This is the beauty of Haley, the improv...she likes to "switch it up a lot". Her style of singing, with all the little runs she throws in, lends itself for a variety of versions on each song. The new live version of 'Undone' and 'Oh My' are all part of "What will Haley do next" to surprise everyone. I like both...she's The Slayer!