(04-27-2013, 03:19 PM)Outcast Wrote: (04-24-2013, 09:52 AM)john Wrote:
I decided to post Haley's version, not to revisit it or make comparisons but to show just how much better The Voice's band is compared to Idol's band. Wow, the arrangements on The Voice are much fresher, more creative and more current. Idol seriously needs to replace their band.
Outcast.. I don't know where you're coming from but your examples proves precisely the opposite to me.
Idol's band was night and day better that the Voice's in MY opinion and .. not only was the grooving blues vibe they had more fitting for the song.. it was really excellent at the style that it was too relative to other great bands choosing to try the same take.
So often the performere aren't up to Idol's bands quality especially in stuff that grooves.
This BAND performance on Wednesday had me grooving and Kree kept screwing up the vibe so badly I kept wanting her to stop singing so i could hear the guiltar. I probably have particular tastes for this sort of music and expect people to sound like the Senior Reiharts. I'm all with being current but singing a blues song mostly on a straight beat doesn't make it current ...especially if someone is still trying to bring a bluesy voice and attitude to it.
The band was great there but Kree falls way short in my opinion(edit, she starts pretty well in the first 2 or 3 verses then gradually falls apart to what becomes very very average). I can't describe it precisely but it was a lack of the appropiate pauses and carrying of certain key notes past a beat or something that seems missing.
Yeah.. its a matter of opinion but in my opinion The Voice band is one of the weaker parts of that show.... although it is spotty.. and even the idol band doesn't get every arrangement right to give performers the support certain songs call for(or get out of the way sometimes)
I loved Haley's Blue and the band's grooving and Haley takes the groove of the Band and echo's it as it invites (and as I'm sure as she would have expected her to set up her following phrases)
BTW I LOVE Haley singing (edit) You and I
I think it is a Classic song.. immediately got burned into my memory and I've never heard anyone, including gaga or clarkson sing anything that remotely approaches this performance of Haley's (and that guitar is shreading here too while not steppign on her one bit!
Mash up of Gaga and Haley.. to be fair the gaga one isn't recorded as well but Not only doesn't Haley smash gaga the idol band holds a strong advantage over the gaga band too imo
I can't believe you don't LOVE the band in this performance! It's like perfect in my opinion.. drums, piano, back up singers, bass and especially the lead guitar.
Oops. this is about the voice.
Here are The Voice band examples of where it works and where it doesn't with the same song..
The first performance. has a TRUE gospel choir with him bringing it alive-- none of The Voice band's stiff drummer (if it is the same guy, he gets a clue and realizes less is more and developes a laconic style but the voice bass player still sucks (no groove) but luckily can't quite ruin it.
In the The second (below) , The Voice band stinks it up and the choir is almost like Steve Martin in The Jerk trying to tap his foot to rhythm.
Nicholas starts off with some real touch at the piano the look at his face fighting the lawrence welkish choir and push him onto the beat and it trods along like a march... not quite terrible but almost. The bass again plays his karioke sing by the dots midi bottom line ... the drummer thinks he needs to add more than his restraint (if still a bit wooden) in the first and no help from some musicians that feel music like the gospel choir did.