A contestant on ABC American Idol has cited Haley among her top fave Idol alumni...
"Favorite Alums: Alejandro Aranda, Haley Reinhart, Laine Hardy, Laci Kaye Booth
Musical Influences: Fleetwood Mac, Aerosmith
First Idol Experience: Started watching with Season 10 when she was six years old."
Casey's first season as mentioned above was season 10, and Haley currently follows Casey on Instagram.
Bishop has done famous "Haley inspired" covers on the show... House of the Rising Sun, and Black Hole Sun but as her own renditions. Not straight cover rip offs of Haley's famous versions. Casey also has covered "Can't Help Falling in Love" on her YouTube, and it's the one "Haley" cover where you can see Haley's influence on her style.
Casey may be heading towards the Top 3/finale as the youngest ABC AI contestant and could be our first female rocker to win since the genre busting Kelly Clarkson who at the time wasn't considered "rock."
I know this is a random thing to include on HaleyFans, but I figured this normally goes under the category of...
"Young artists who have been inspired by Haley..." Wasn't sure where to put this but since Casey is a future AI alumni I figured it fits here!