Best of The Voice Blinds
With the Blinds ending for The Voice, I thought it would be fun to make a thread for them. Blinds for The Voice, I think..are where some of the best moments happen on the show.
Easily, the most memorable Blinds fro season 3 (as early as youtube goes back) was Melanie Martinez's "Toxic." It's so memorable, that the cover was covered on Xfactor (and many times over.)
Melanie went on to finish tied for 6th. And has actually had a lot of low key commercial success. (Her music video, crowd funded, has the most views of any Voice artist, other than Cassadee Pope. And her song "Carousel" was the theme for American Horror Story. She's been signed by Atlantic and her album is due sometime this year.)
From season 4, widely considered the best blind of all time, was Sarah Simmons "One of Us"
Sarah ended up finishing tied for eighth, unfortunately, she seemed to have peaked during the auditions round. (A theme, actually.)
Season 5 was probably the king of the blinds season, and it's hard to just pick one video..the top 3, would likely be considered Matthew Schuler singing "Cough Syrup," Tessanne Chin singing "Try" and James Wolpert singing "Love Interruption.
Unfortunately, Matt ended up losing his voice and not dealing so well with being considered the favorite, and finished in sixth. James followed him, finishing in fifth. But Tessanne won. (And she's easily the best vocalist the show has ever had...that's one of the things I like about the voice..the winners are good winners..)
Season 6 was like season 4..many many good blinds, but Bria Kelly's "Steamroller Blues" stands above the rest..if Sarah's wasn't the best blind ever, Bria probably takes that award. (It's kind of embarrassing how many times I've watched this performance..)
And like season 4, Bria peaked in the blinds. She also didn't seem to handle being the favorite all too well.
Season 7 actually started off slow. There was very little "moments" in the blinds, and the show got better as the season went on. But there was one. Taylor Phelan's "Sweater Weather."
This guy should have won the show. But Pharrell doesn't know how to play "The Voice" and Taylor was out in the top 20.
Which is a little scary for our season 8 standout, Sawyer Fredericks. Who choose Pharrell.
The blind is great on its own, but when you consider the kid is 15...
It'll be interesting if he can follow Tessanne and take this thing, or if he'll be like so many of the others and peak at the blinds.