(12-13-2012, 04:55 PM)jjames865 Wrote: The premise of this thread and all of the subsequent speculation within it as to the reasons Haley and Interscope parted ways IMO speaks highly to the strong, principled young lady that Haley Effin’ Reinhart is. She is mature beyond her years.
There's Haley the artist and there's Haley the business woman. Every artist enters the arena with the artistic side of their brain functioning quite well, and most probably are not gifted in the left side of the brain with what may be termed the business side. It's why they are probably artists, so much creativity packed on one side. This is why artists need a team of people to help guide them through the business side of things.
Here's what does not make sense to me as to the reason for the split with Interscope:
Haley co-writes 9 out of 10 songs on her first album (13 out of 14 on the deluxe version) and we know she co-wrote many others that do not make the album. She calls these songs that made the album "her babies". One song, 'Free', is picked in advance to be the lead single, which she agrees with. Two other songs, 'Oh My' and 'Undone', are advertised as featured songs by the collective brain trust at Interscope, et al.
Everyone involved is aware that the buying public will decide how successful an album will become and what songs will be the biggest hits. If I am part of Haley's team, the collective mantra is "We'll get behind the winning horse". Whatever song strikes gold, we'll get behind it.
The album has many love songs in which good break-ups, bad break-ups, good guys, bad guys, happy times and sad times all come into play. Haley knows all this right? Her team knows all this right? So, how does one song (Undone) that Haley co-wrote and is one of "her babies", which seems to be pulling away from the rest of the pack, become something she can not get behind. It's not logical. It doesn't make any business sense. Given that her parents have to be a part of her team...they must be explaining that it doesn't matter which song people like the most, 'give em' what they want.
If you remember, Harry stated "she is a pistol" when describing his daughter's personality back in the early Idol days. I took that to mean she probably has a very independent streak combined with a big personality...not to imply I know Harry's mind on this. We also remember that her high school Jazz leader, Brian Logan, stated that when she first tried out to be the jazz vocalist, he gave her some sheet music to look over. As I recall, he stated that she crumbled it up. He remembers the incident fondly as if to say that she has a very determined view of things...not going to call it a stubbornness...probably more like the positive aspects of the artistic side, totally focused on what she wants to do and become. (am I on a roll here...or did I lose everyone?)
My point is that it is not logical for the whole deal to fall apart because Haley wouldn't get behind promoting 'Undone' (and we don't know that is the case)...it isn't that simple. There has to be other reasons, all of which we have no clue what those reasons are. Maybe Jimmy Iovine had a bad day at the office, maybe the album didn't sell enough...maybe Randy Jackson got involved (we could use a villain in this story)?
At this stage...she still is the 'talent'. Her artistic abilities will shine through in the end...you can't take that away from her.